Top Tips For Summer Ready Skin With Rosemary O’Connor, Creator Of Renew Beauty And Killarney Organic

- Posted on: 26/05/2022 - Untitled design Castlerosse Hotel

Top Tips For Summer Ready Skin With Rosemary O’Connor,

Creator Of Renew Beauty And Killarney Organic


feet image 


Tip 1 - Feet First 

Our feet lift us up and hold the holistic key to our whole centre. 

As they are covered up for most of the winter, it’s important to focus on removing dead skin to revitalise and rejuvenate skin cells in this sensitive area in preparation for the new season ahead. 

I recommend soaking and bathing the feet with epsom salts for twenty minutes or more and as many times as required coming into the summer season. Add a few drops of peppermint oil for a detoxifying effect.

Afterwards use a foot file to gently remove remaining dead or callous skin but be careful not to over file as some hardened skin can be necessary to protect our feet. 

Finish with a gentle massage using some organic beeswax butter to lock in moisture.


 rsz salt scrub


Tip 2 - Shake It Off 

As we prepare to shed our layers coming into the summer season, so too does our skin. In fact, our skin naturally sheds every 28 days, however it can help to aid the process along to avoid any blockages as well as dull looking skin. 

To remove the dead skin cells on your body, firstly wet the skin and use a gentle sugar scrub in an upwards circular motion towards the heart. 

A body brush can also help to remove excess cells in preparation for summer. 

Finish with a little camomile oil and get ready to see your skin shine.



Tip 3 - Get To Know The Skin You’re In 

Everyone's skin is individual and one person's remedy could be another's woe and vice versa. It's essential to spend time listening to your skin in order to truly understand what it needs.

No matter what your skin type may be, following a consistent and simple routine can make all the difference to its health. It might sound cliché but you can't go wrong with cleanse, tone, and moisturise. 

Cleansing night and day is necessary to lift pollution and impurities from our skin. For natural options, I recommend organic coconut or jojoba oil. 

Toner is invaluable for closing our pores, reducing blemishes and break outs - even a little floral water will do the trick. 

Moisturising is a priority, especially as we age and the skin loses its elasticity. Organic shea nut butter is a natural option that can also help to create a barrier from the elements.  

Organic infused oils can also be very effective and can be tailored to target your individual needs. 

It’s vital to experiment with products and see what’s best for you and if in doubt then leave it out – less is more. 




Tip 4 - Switch It Up For Summer 

It’s always good to take into consideration environmental and climate factors when assessing our skincare. 

In the summer, we perspire more so our skin may hold excess oil and be in need of extra hydration. For this reason, I often recommend a lighter moisturiser and a switch to a water-based product instead of oil-based. 

Additionally, a sun filter is essential to protect our skin from the damaging effects of the sun. 




Tip 5 - Summer Self Care  

Skin is one of our biggest organs so we must treat it right and feed it with the right nutrients. 

At Renew Beauty we adapt a holistic body and mind approach for total wellness because what happens on the inside matters just as much as the outside. 

Stress can be a huge factor in all our lives and it’s important to understand the effects of it not only on our skin but on our whole body. 

I am a huge believer that nature can play a helpful role in teaching us how to reduce emotional anxiety and reconnect with ourselves again. 

Take the opportunity that summer gives us to practice this ethos. Use dried out flowers from the garden for your foot soaks, go for a walk and ground yourself back into the earth, prepare a picnic and soak up some scenery.  

Your skin will love it and so will you!  

If you would like more information on our range of organic skincare products and kits or our facial and body treatments, please contact the Reception Desk or Rosemary on 00353 87 2172175.